Corporate guidance
Paris by KLM
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 131,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 5days within 2weeks fixed(7/22-8/5,8-15)
06/10 - 07/07 135,000 Staying over 5days within 1month fixed
07/08 - 07/21 162,000 (6/1-7/21,8/16-9/30)
07/22 - 08/05 182,000 Staying over 5 days within 3months valid(8/6-8)
08/06 - 08/07 231,000 Deadline Ticketing 14 days before departure
08/08 - 08/15 182,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Sat,Sun will cost 5000 yen more
08/16 - 09/19 162,000 Weekend surcharge(inbound) Fri,Sat will cost 5000 yen more
09/20 - 09/30 135,000 No child fare,the same as adult's price
Paris by Air France
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 114,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 3days within one month fixed
06/10 - 06/30 131,000 Deadline Ticketing 7days before departure
07/01 - 07/07 160,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Sat,Sun will cost 5000 yen more
07/08 - 07/10 161,000 Weekend surcharge(inbound) Fri,Sat will cost 5000 yen more
07/11 - 07/21 183,000 Peak season surcharge(inbound) Dep8/19-8/209/17-9/189/23-9/24
07/22 - 08/04 205,000 will cost 15000 yen more
08/05 - 08/15 217,000 Weekend surcharge will also apply
08/16 - 09/04 188,000 No child fare,the same as adult's price
09/05 - 09/19 183,000
09/20 - 09/30 166,000
Frankfurt by SAS
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 129,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 3 days within 1month fixed
06/10 - 06/21 150,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Sat,Sun will cost 5,000 yen more
06/22 - 06/30 160,000 Weekend surcharge(inbound) Fri,Sat will cost 5,000 yen more
07/01 - 07/14 180,000 Peak season surcharge(inbound) Dep:8/13-8/14 will cost 20,000 yen more
07/15 - 07/31 190,000 Weekend surcharge will also apply
08/01 - 08/04 216,000 No child fare,the same as adult's price
08/05 - 08/07 236,000
08/08 - 08/15 216,000
08/16 - 08/26 180,000
08/27 - 08/31 175,000
09/01 - 09/15 160,000
09/16 - 09/19 170,000
09/20 - 09/30 129,000
Frankfurt by Lufthansa German airlines
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 140,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 3 days within one month fixed
06/10 - 07/07 158,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Dep: Sat,cost 5,000yen more
07/08 - 07/21 180,000 Dep:Sun,cost 10,000yen more
07/22 - 07/27 181,000 Weekend surcharge (inbound) Dep:Fri,cost 5,000yen more
07/28 - 07/31 199,000 Dep:Sat,cost10,000yen more
08/01 - 08/05 204,000 Peak season surcharge(inbound) Dep from Frankfurt on 8/12-14
08/06 - 08/07 250,000 will cost 10,000yen more
08/08 - 08/15 187,000 Weekend surcharge will also apply
08/16 - 09/09 188,000 No child fare,the same as adult's price
09/10 - 09/19 190,000
09/20 - 09/30 168,000
Madrid by SAS
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 129,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 3 days within one month fixed
06/10 - 06/21 150,000 Weekend surcharge (inbound) Dep:Sat,Sun,cost 5,000yen more
06/22 - 06/30 160,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Dep:Fri,Sat,cost 5,000yen more
07/01 - 07/14 180,000 Peak season surcharge(inbound) Dep:8/13-8/14cost 20000 yen more
07/15 - 07/31 190,000 Weekend surcharge will also apply
08/01 - 08/04 216,000 No child fare,the same as adult's price
08/05 - 08/07 236,000
08/08 - 08/15 216,000
08/16 - 08/26 180,000
08/27 - 08/31 175,000
09/01 - 09/15 160,000
09/16 - 09/19 170,000
09/20 - 09/30 129,000
Madrid by KLM
Departure Adult Regulation
06/01 - 06/09 131,000 Type of Ticket Staying over 5days within 2weeks fixed(7/22-8/5,8-15)
06/10 - 07/07 135,000 Staying over 5days within one month fixed
07/08 - 07/21 162,000 (6/1-7/21,8/16-9/30)
07/22 - 08/05 182,000 Staying over 5days within 3 months valid(8/6-7)
08/06 - 08/07 231,000 Deadline Ticketing 14 days before departure
08/08 - 08/15 182,000 Weekend surcharge(outbound) Dep:Sat,Sun will cost 5,000yen more
08/16 - 09/19 162,000 weekend surcharge(inbound) Dep:Fri,Sat will cost 5,000yen more
09/20 - 09/30 135,000 no child fare,the same as adult's price
France German Spain Austria Italy Denmark London Russia